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how do you maintain good dental health

How Do You Maintain Good Dental Health?

Recent research has linked poor oral health with various conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, oral cancers, and even dementia.  If you’re already taking great care of your teeth and gums, consider this a risk averted by a job well done.

If, however, this news made you cringe, don’t panic – this is one health issue that you have some control over.  Yes, it takes discipline to break old habits and create new ones, but starting and maintaining a good dental health routine is within your reach. Visit us at East Chestermere Dental and we will help you get started on improving your dental health.

What is Good Dental Health?

Put simply, good dental health is evident when your mouth looks, feels, and smells healthy. This means no signs of the following:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Shaky or loose teeth
  • Cavities

The WHO further defines good oral health as “a state of being free from chronic mouth … diseases and disorders that limit an individual’s capacity in biting, chewing, smiling, speaking, and psychosocial wellbeing.”

How Do You Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Strong?

Starting and maintaining a good oral hygiene regimen is the best way to maintain good dental health. Aside from visiting the dentist regularly, there are other steps you must take to keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Some vital habits for an excellent oral health routine include:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice daily, and always ensure you use a fluoride-based toothpaste. Fluoride helps to harden the enamel, preventing cavities from forming in the process.

  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Use an all-natural mouthwash to rinse your mouth and reduce the volume of toxic bacteria there.

  • Reduce your intake of sugary and carbonated drinks. The same also applies to food high in sugar.

  • Visit the dentist regularly. Most experts recommend getting a check-up every 6 months, along with a cleaning to eliminate tartar that you can’t remove yourself.

  • Include foods rich in calcium, vitamin E, zinc, and other minerals essential to oral health in your diet. Seafood, low-fat yogurt, and leafy green vegetables are great examples of such foods.

  • Also, include pro-biotic rich foods such as sauerkraut in your diet. These sorts of meals support the production of healthy bacteria in the mouth.

  • Take vitamin supplements to support your diet, especially supplements that contain vitamins and minerals that rarely occur in your food.

A well-maintained dental health routine means you will prevent plaque, and consequently cavities, from forming. You’ll save money on drilling and filling, and you’ll get a brighter and whiter smile along the way.  Hopefully, you’ll feel newfound confidence in the look and feel of your teeth.

Finally, following these steps can also help reverse tooth decay if it is still in its early stages.  Proper hygiene prevents the tough protective coating of the teeth, called enamel, from demineralizing, and a healthy diet supplies the calcium needed to fill up the thinning enamel coating. Reduce your risk of developing a number of chronic health conditions by starting your new dental hygiene habits today.  The rewards are well worth the time and effort it takes.


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